Test for Annie
Hi Annie,
You have a great website. Thanks for all the help.
My daughter Coree just sent me an email about Planet Aid asking me to let you know what they do and how you can help them...
I never had the pleasure of meeting Red Buttons, but he made an impact on my life. Sayonara is one of my favorite movies. It taught me a lot about compassion and equality. He had a remarkable career. But when I read about Red in the news reports about his passing, I was even more impressed by how much he accomplished for charity.
This month, in honor of Father's Day, we are recognizing celebrity Giving Dads, like Emerile Lagasse, Paul Newman, Tom Hanks, Bill Clinton, Tommy Hilfiger, Paul Sorvino and Jerry Seinfeld. Read about them and the causes they support on the Fundraisers... GIVING PAGE.